Sunday, June 22, 2008

Coming Home...

We came from the hospital yesterday. Cohen likes his new house. He did pretty good last night. He woke up 3 times to eat. He is a little piggy and sleeps all day. I have been trying to play with him but he just wants to sleep! Lauren is being a huge helper. She is proud of her little brother. She is adjusting really well and loves being a big sister.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mike and Linz at Hospital

Hospital Delivery Pics.

Baby Cohen Trent Hardle

Baby Cohen was born Tuesday at 4:03 Pm via C-Section. He weighed 8.55 lbs and was 20.75 inches. Lindsay has C-sections due to "failure to progress". (Not dilating.) He swallowed a ton of amniotic fluid when he was getting pulled out and had to have about 60 ml of fluid drained from his tummy. He wasn't getting as oxygenated at first so we had to watch him. After about an hour he was getting bigger breaths and we didn't need to do anything else.

He has a bunch of hair and most people say he looks like me. (Mike) Brenda thinks he looks like Linz. Anyway he is happy and healthy. He has been sleeping a lot today because he had his manhood snipped this morning.

We have to be here in the hospital until Saturday morning. I have been taking Lauren home every night and playing daddy care. This morning Lauren and I ate sliced deli turkey and chips ahoy for breakfast. I personally thought it was good but Linz can't wait to get home for some reason. We are up at ST Marks hospital.