Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Johnny Drama=Mike

I guess I made a Play N Trade blog a long time ago so now it says my posting name is Johnny Drama. Maybe I will figure it out. Wow I feel so cool having a blog. Just so everyone knows I'm eating Top Raman right now.


Badgrass said...

Yea!! You guys finally have a blog. It's about time. Mike you'll just have to do all the posting, I'm sure Lindsay will be busy. Only two more weeks till Cohen comes, were so excited to see him!!

Beth and Shilo said...

Well hello Hardles. I am excited you guys are going to start a blog. I look forward to seeing what else Mike will be eating!! But really I am excited to see cute pictures of of your kiddo, kiddos soon! Once Lindsey does one post she will be addicted. She will live and breath blog. Hope you get some pictures on here ASAP so we can see what you guys are up too, we haven't seen you guys since Christmas. Hope all is well!!